Learn how Leader in Me can help parents and guardians establish a powerful framework to nurture and develop life-ready leadership skills at home.
The majority of your child’s time, almost 50%, is dedicated to family life at home and other important communities outside of school. You are your child’s first and most influential teacher by laying the foundation for the education of their mind, heart, body, and spirit. No matter what is going on at school you can help your child discover the leader within themselves and prepare for a future of contribution and service. Even if you have a school that already supports the principles laid out in Leader in Me, your job is no less important.
If you want to make minor, incremental changes and improvements, work on practices, behavior, or attitude. But if you want to make significant, quantum improvement, work on paradigms.
–Dr Stephen R. Covey, Author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
As you contemplate the paradigms of the Leader in Me, consider how you could to apply them at home. Becoming self-aware that your paradigms are impacting what you see and what you do provides an opportunity for you to improve your home environment. By starting with the 5 Core Paradigms, you can identify positive behaviours that will help you reach the goals you set as a family. This is empowering! Following are the 5 Core Paradigms for Families:
Parents and children have opportunities for shared leadership.
Not: Leadership is for the few. Parents are in charge of all the decisions.
We celebrate our differences and focus on each other’s strengths.
Not: A few people in our family are gifted.
Not: To improve my family they need to change. I can’t make a difference.
Not: Parents control and direct a child’s learning.
Not: Only help children achieve academically.
Leader in Me is a P–12 whole-school improvement model and process that helps educators and families collaborate together to develop students as life-ready leaders. As school leaders and staff work to grow a leadership culture at school, parents and guardians can reinforce what is being taught at home with shared paradigms and principles. The result of a partnership between home and school will be students who are prepared for further education, career, and life.
What is Leader in Me?
The Leader in Me Parent’s Guide is based on the timeless principles found in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and Leader in Me. This introductory guide shares easy-to-understand ideas and activities and a reading list to help you teach and model powerful 7 Habits principles to your children and teens at home.
Experience a practical and philosophical guide to solving the problems—large and small; mundane and extraordinary―that affect all families and communities. By offering revealing anecdotes about ordinary people as well as helpful suggestions about changing everyday behaviour, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families provides a powerful framework and set of tools that create an open and inspiring home culture. Learn how to model principles of effectiveness as a family by balancing individual needs and moving from dependence to interdependence together.
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The 7 Habits of Effective Families
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Would you like to see your local school implement Leader in Me? You can proactively introduce Leader in Me to your school or Parents’ Association by providing The Leader in Me book or by coordinating with a local FranklinCovey representative.
Learn how thousands of schools in over 50 countries worldwide are discovering answers to some of the most challenging issues educators face today.